Welcome to my first blog post that is now a part of my website. We're in the middle of a studio re-branding effort. Have you noticed the new logo on our site? How about the new sign in front of the studio? We're making other changes as well. Some might be noticable and some just under the radar.
For those of you curious, my other blog was not used very much as it was not attached, and a reader had to go to a seperate place in cyber-world. This should be much more convenient.
I hope that you will find this to be an interesting and useful place to come visit from time to time. It will include, studio specials, ideas, a little photo education, and some editorial thoughts from me and other guest writers.To be blunt, Steve & Beth, my marketing gurus, are telling me I do not promote my work enough. This means that this blog will be my platform to show off just a bit. If some work of mine, or comments that you find interest you, PLEASE share with others.
Please feel free to leave comments or suggestions since the more you respond the more I can know how I can improve the site's content.
More down the road...